Proposed By-Law Change

August 04, 2018 4:39 PM | Brandy Ludlam

Current By-Laws:

Article VII. Finances.   

Section 2.  Fiscal Year - The fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.

Proposed Change:

Section 2:  Fiscal Year – The fiscal year shall begin on October 1st and end of September 30th of the following year.

Rationale for Change:

Currently, new committee chairs assume their position on July 1st.  The budget is currently approved at the July board meeting.  As a result, new committee chairs either have to accept what the previous chair submitted for the committee’s budget or if the previous chair failed to submit a budget request, the committee is given $100.   By changing the date, new committee chairs will have 4 months to select their committee and submit a proposed budget for the October board meeting for approval.  This way, their new ideas and thoughts are considered.   Most committee chairs only serve one year, but may be reappointed by the president.  Additionally, new committee chairs are trained at the July board retreat, so they will have a better idea of what their committee has done and needs to do.

Additionally, most ASCA national conferences occur in July or start and carry over into July.   The PSSCA board retreat occurs after the national conference in July.   As a result, expenses for these events  impact two fiscal years.  Changing the date will allow all expenses to be documented in the same fiscal year.

Rationale for Immediate Membership Vote:

In accordance with Article XVI of the By-laws, proposed by-law changes are submitted to the membership 30 days in advance and voted on at the Annual meeting.  The Annual membership meeting occurs on the last day of the Annual Conference.  This school year, the membership meeting will occur on January 26th.   The by-laws permit that the board can determine that a vote is imperative to make a change.  

The board determined that an immediate vote was imperative because the fiscal year would start this October and impact the budget.  

As a result, this proposed change is being sent out 30 days in advance.   Voting will be opened for a week immediately after the 30 days for all current PSSCA members to vote.

Palmetto State School Counselor Association

9789 Charlotte Highway Suite 400-136

Fort Mill, SC 29707

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Palmetto State School Counselor Association 

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